Brainy News Blog

About Montessori

Montessori Method of education was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori over a hundred years ago, and since its development it has come to be known as the premier method of education for young children. At Brainy Academy our highly trained teachers use a combination of Montessori Method, bilingual education research and a proprietary Brainy Academy methodology to teach young children reading, writing, a second language and critical thinking skills. Our primary area of responsibility is on teaching how to think and process information with facts acquisition (learned knowledge) being a close second. Our classrooms utilize a wealth of traditional Montessori materials and combine those with learning tools developed specifically for Brainy Academy students.

Our private Montessori sessions are a way to gently transition a child from the familiar environment of his or her home into a group environment. In private Montessori sessions teacher works one on one with the student, helping develop their academic and socio-emotional skills. If a child is uncomfortable in a new group environment the parent or caretaker is encouraged to stay in the classroom until the child chooses to allow the caretaker to leave. Children who have trouble in group settings learn proper modeling and behavioral skills from our experienced instructors and transition into a group environment when they are ready.

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Jul 31, 2013 | Category: | Comments: none
