Brainy News Blog


Big changes for the Gifted and Talented Test

In an unprecedented move NYC board of ed has announced even an even bigger overhaul of the Gifted and Talented test administered to pre-kindergarden students than previously suspected.  Students who receive a grade of 97 or above on this test qualify for admission to the city’s 5 citywide gifted and talented schools (Anderson, NEST, TAG, STEM and BSI).  Students who score 90 or above qualify for admission to district wide gifted programs.

Brainy Academy has learned that effective this year the new portion of the test, highly complex NNAT will count for 66% of the test score, and the OLSAT (previously 75% of the test) will only count for 33%.  This move was implemented in order to cut down on “test prep” affect and in order to encourage more fairness in the testing process.  Brainy Academy’s “Brainy Montessori” classes focus on developing all of the important logic skills sets, school readiness and more.  We believe that prepping a child for just one test is an ineffective way of prepping a child to succeed in school.  Because of emphasis on logic and learning, rather than solely prepping for any particular test, children who have been attending Brainy Montessori classes will be ready do well on the new, more complex test and will be ready for any future changes the NYC department of Education might implement.  Teaching a child logic is our goal, doing well on the test is a positive side effect.

Oct 09, 2012 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: none
