Brainy News Blog


BIG changes with placement for G&T test

In addition to  restructuring the G&T test in the fall of 2012 NY city board of ed has decided to also change the placement rules.  These are very big changes that will affect all applicants and will outdate certain test preparation strategies.

Change 1 – composite score now matters.  Previously a child could answer 73 questions correctly or 84 questions correctly.   As long as they scored in the 99th percentile they were considered equivalent to all other children who scored in the 99th percentile on the test. Now placement will be done for children who have scored the most number of correct questions first.  First all children who got the 84 would be placed, then the 83 and so on.

As a result of this change the test becomes much more difficult to prepare for, and every additional point matters.  The significance of the lottery has been greatly reduced.  In order to get the best chance possible of being admitted to a gifted and talented program the preparation should be more intense.  As we have always said preparing for just a test is not enough.  Now more than ever a child’s preparation must incorporate a complete preparatory system, including early reading and mathematics training which will help develop their capacity to learn and think logically.  In essence simply imitating a genius’ test taking ability is no longer enough.  Your child must learn to think like a genius in order to get the best results possible.  Parents can no longer afford to focus on just test prep at the expense of other aspects of child’s development.  Brainy Montessori classes incorporate a wide range of preparatory materials and techniques.  Children who have been attending Brainy Montessori classes and have only started g&t prep in October do SIGNIFICANTLY better at g&t test trials than children who have only been attending g&t preparation sessions.

Change 2 – no more guaranteed placement in G&T programs.  Previously the city guaranteed placement in a G&T program, even if it was not your first choice program.  This is no longer the case.

Change 3 – significantly weakened sibling priority.  Siblings only get preference in their “score group.”  So of all the children that answered 84 questions correctly siblings will be placed first.  However, before any sibling scoring 84 has been placed all children, including non siblings who scored an 85 will be placed.  For siblings especially this emphasizes the importance of early learning approach to taking this test.




Oct 12, 2012 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: none
